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One girl, one backpack, one journey, a true story inspired by “Eat, Pray, Love” - Introduction part 2

January 25, 2023


Only if there’s rainy days so then you will appreciate the sunny days;

Only if there’s colder days so then you will appreciate the warm season;

Only if there’s sickness so then you will appreciate the health;

Only if there’s darkness so then you will appreciate the light;

It doesn’t require much to be happy, human mind makes it more difficult, and the desire is endlessness – you want to be better and better which there’s nothing wrong with it, means you have certain goal in your life and you are working towards it. But don’t forget, life keeps changing like the universe, nothing is certain and nothing is fixed. Uncertain makes life complete and excited. It’s a test for the human being.

Everyone you met and things happened either good or bad are for a reason, and then is you to decide how to face it. It won’t go back in times, but you can decide the next move and your future, no one else can, everyone needs to walk alone, if they join you just for certain time, you should be happy, and if someday they walk away, don’t feel sad because it’s normal, is their decision, remember those beautiful moments you had together and smile at it. It’s not easy to do so, I know very well, I hate this feeling of saying goodbye, after very first solo trip in Chiangmai,I had to say goodbye to those friends I met along the journey, I became so emotional and started crying. Nothing wrong with it, sooner or later you will get used to it, it makes you a human, it means you care. Life is a process of practicing, in everything.

I often wonder, what will be the life after death? There’s the question nobody can answer, by all means, not every question has an answer, isn’t it? Often times when you stop searching on purpose, answer just automatically appears. Searching for perfection in this not perfect world become almost impossible, but still you have to try the best you can in everything. Maybe there is only one life, maybe there is more, who knows. If you keep thinking about the next life or your future without having any further actions, your life is stuck right there and it can’t move forward. What happened in the past, it became the past already, by keep thinking and struggling about it won’t help you. As human beings, we all have sorrows, grief or regrets, then we move on, keep on going and not making the same mistake all over again. There are certain life lessons until we experienced ourselves so then we remember the pain. If is not happening to you, you won’t feel the same pain, you are not the one who’s suffering but others. You can show all the empathy you want, but it won’t make a difference to the people whose actual suffering.

I hope you will find the inspiration by reading this book and just be bold and live the life you want without having any regrets. You hurt, you fail, you fall, and it’s okay, the moment you get your broken piece together and that’s the moment you become stronger.

I've been waiting for an answer, an opportunity.

When the moment I got this good news, there is hesitation.

Have I wanted this?

I felt like sick, in the same time I was excited for this huge change in front of me.

Doubts, hesitation, questions, I was overwhelmed, all of a sudden, I didn't know what to do.

I was so sure about this, but it all seems doesn't matter anymore.

In the end, what you thought you want it's not exactly what you want.

You fight for it, you tried so hard, you were willing to give up all other possibilities for it, you were so sure about it.

When what you wanted finally came true and right in front of you, you are scared, you started searching for any possible suggestions you might get, from anyone.

Actually you need to ask no one because you have already your answer but just you don’t want to admit it, even to yourself.

You are trying to give this responsibility to others, so then you can blame the other people after you made a decision and you regret it. In the case you will always have excuses.

We don’t know what we want all the time, and there will be always a way for it.

We all want the easiest way, don’t we?

To start something exactly from zero, from really zero, how many percentage out of all the populations we have in the universe?

How exactly could we do it? Do we really can give up what we have right now, at this moment?

We fought for it once to reach where we are and what we are today.

Are we really willing to give up all those things we ever fought for?

Are we really making a right decision for ourselves, for our future?

Are we really sure that’s what we want from now?

Are we really sure we want this and we are not going to regret it.

Are we really going to be determined of what we chose over?

Are we really aware of what we are doing?

Isn’t it easier to stay where we are right now? Isn’t it easier to stay put in our comfort zone like we did in years?

There are decisions to be made each day, how possible to be accurate each time of what will be the best choice?

Do you believe the destiny is already been written in our lives? It just depends on which path we take but the result is fixed.

What you would do if you can travel back in times? Is there any certain events you would like to go back and change completely the results?

And how can you be sure that it will be better than what your current situation now?

Life is risky, and we need to be willing to take all the risks in our lives.

Life is like gambling, you don’tknow if you are going to win or lose in any given moments.

Chose bravely, have faith on what you’ve chose, if might drop down to the worst from one moment to another, it might also lead you to nirvana.